People or Tech or both - what drives Industry 4.0?
It is the 15. June 2015 and I am nervous. Today is my first day as Managing Director of the Hugo Boss factory in Izmir with 4150 people....
People or Tech or both - what drives Industry 4.0?
Pour tous? Non, c’est pour toi!
Internet - Schminternet - Earth Oddity
Digital Strategy or Software, Chicken or Egg?
Me, Myself and I... why it is time to change fashion systems towards demand driven manufacturing
FSD Beta from Tesla is out! Why this is great news, even the apparel industry...
Get your Butt up! Eh, five more minutes, Pal...
Three more years Covid-19 - what would you do, how would you change, adapt, move?
Digital Twin or Digital Relative - what are we aiming at?
Sign o’ the times – digitally remastered
Ready Designer One
Together is better
Click Click – what is your digital worth?
My way or highway